Browsing: Diagnostics Techreport

An Anti-body Test vs. Antigen Test vs. the Lateral Assay Test  Tests for Covid-19 can be divided into polymerise chain reaction (PCR), serologic tests and soon lateral Assay tests. These tests use different kinds of samples to search for different hallmarks of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. PCR (polymerise chain reaction). We take a look at these different approaches and their relative merits. PCR testing. Antigen test. The PCR test detects if the virus is there and someone is actively infected. genetic information of the virus, the RNA. By detecting viral RNA, which will be present in the body before antibodies form…

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This modified PCR test overcomes the invasiveness of doing a nasal swab to detect the presence of the virus in the viral RNA, detected in saliva . Mirimus has taken the saliva test version of PCR tests into what I call large scale testing, you know, thousands of patients per day. The testing is done in pools, on the pools can be anything greater than two quickly and done overnight you can clear a whole group and you are then able to look at groups of individuals without violating the HIPAA rules and testing rules that state various states have.…

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Travera’s new technology can predict how patients will respond to hundreds of different drugs or drug combinations before the patients even take the drugs. Their new measurement tool, the Suspended Microchannel Resonator (SMR), reveals cancer cells’ responses to effective drugs faster than ever before. Travera tests on-label drugs, off-label drugs, and investigational drugs, to maximize drug quality and effectiveness for patients and to save them from unnecessary toxicity. By doing so, Travera can pinpoint the right drugs within <2 days, even though it will take many weeks to work in the patient’s body, and thus, is moving oncology from being…

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Montreal-based Caprion has established itself as a leader in the proteomic biomarker discovery field, using its proteomics discovery platform CellCarta® to develop pharmacodynamic biomarkers, disease markers and predictive biomarkers. OneMedRadio spoke with Caprion President and CEO Martin Leblanc about industry trends concerning increased risk factors, securing intellectual property and developing an in vitro diagnostics platform.

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Peter Winter, consultant to the biotechnology industry brings us financings and business developments in the global diagnostics business in his column “This Week In Diagnostics“. Peter has over 30 years experience as a scientist, science journalist, and publisher.

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